
Volunteer with us

Would you like to volunteer with us? We are always looking for active members to support us – there are many ways to help! Send us a message with the form below and we will reach out to you!

European Pride in Aviation Network’s strength comes from the diversity of our members and the talents they bring to the organisation. As pilots, aviation employees, enthusiasts, and allies helping one another; volunteering exemplifies the spirit of EPAN more than anything else. If you are looking for a way to give back and support the LGBTQIA+ aviation community, please consider contacting us so that we might find the best situation to fit your talents and provide you with a rewarding volunteer experience!

There are many different ways you can help us — whether you have a lot or just a little time!
From social media to newsletters, from event planning to financial tasks, there is more than enough to do. Please use the form below to show us your interest and tell us a little more about you.

We will be in touch soon after receiving your message.

Many thanks!

Volunteers are what makes any organisation function. Volunteering is a great way to help out our organisation while giving back to the community and making a difference.

The president is fully involved and committed to the EPAN organisation, their job day to day is to stay on top of all matters, but also needs to know when to delegate to get the things done. They would be the most visible person inside and outside of EPAN, with everything that involves.

The second in command, their role is to get everything in motion and resolve the minor problems that arise daily, being able to clearly communicate the direction intended in each topic. Also, as a Spokesperson they need to be quick on their feet and have a great general knowledge of what is going on inside of EPAN.

A person that has a gift for numbers and can make the organization thrive economically as much as possible, being able to manage our resources in the most efficient way. They should be able to tell when an investment is required and when it should be avoided, as well as its size.

Director of Member Support
in charge of providing support to all members in many forms, must have a passion for problem solving with a compassionate and listening approach while being determined and quick thinking.

Director of Networking/Partnerships
needs to be a knowledgeable and sociable person that can portray the benefits of collaborating with EPAN. Focused on what we can bring to the table of the aviation community/industry.

Director of Marketing
Responsible for creating awareness of EPAN, as well as a professional and friendly image that will be projected both in physical props and digitally through many platforms. This role also is regarded as very creative and visual.

Director of Programmatic/Fundamental Questions
This role is important as it deals with the whole foundation of our organisation – what we stand for, what our goals are, and how we wish to reach those and give back to the community. Ideally you possess a strong sense of community, are aware of the challenges we face and have ideas of what we can do to give back. 

Director of Events
Organizationally intensive, this role needs excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to problem solve on the go. Their end product will be the most attractive part of EPAN: the local and international gatherings that fuel the love for our community.

Director of Development
They need to have a vision for the future and the passion to make it happen, while remaining true to our core principles in a sustainable and scalable way. They need to be able to anticipate our needs and keep reasonable expectations based on the current state of EPAN.

One of the most important roles that can determine the success of the organization. Their role is to make everything work smoothly, while keeping the formalities that are so necessary for running EPAN within the applicable laws and legal constraints.

The role of a spokesperson is to communicate information the public wants or needs. The spokesperson is not only responsible for the messages being conveyed, but they should also be involved in the development of the key messages. A spokesperson might help schedule interviews and meetings with other members of an organization as well. They may also speak on behalf of another member of an organization if that individual doesn’t wish to or is unable to directly address the media. Spokespeople might also be responsible for writing and sending out press releases.

Supporting roles are available on any team and play a crucial position within the organisation. A supporting role is the perfect opportunity for you to help us out without committing yourself to the organisation at the level of a Board of Director. 

Below, you may find and sign-up for various supporting roles depending on the departments that interest you!

The Ombudsperson is a delegated person with the task of remaining impartial and being a person of trust. You will stand up for other members in our organisation and be a point of contact in any kind of internal situation that may need to be dealt with.

The cash auditor checks the cash register and transactions within the organisation. They check, for example, whether all expenses and income correspond to the budget and that they have been listed correctly. The balance sheet must correspond to the annual financial statement. They also check whether membership fees, donations and refunds have been paid properly. They stay in close contact with the organisation’s Treasurer.

Committees are longer term groups of volunteers that focus specifically on one topic, whether this be one of the areas of aviation (aerobatics, mechanics, General Aviation, etc) or a LGBTQIA+ or diversity topic that needs specific focus (trans*, female pilots).

Project Groups are more short-termed groups of volunteers that tackle specific projects, such as HIV and medicals or anything that may come up that requires a focus.

Application for a volunteer position

If you would like to apply or express interest in a volunteer position, whether a board position, supporting role or committee member, please fill out the following application form.

Eventually all candidates applying for whichever roles will be listed on a ballot. The ballot will be presented at our first General Assembly on July 22 in Berlin and online. Membership will cast a vote for each position, thus deciding who will fill which role for the respective term duration. Committee members do not need to be voted for as anyone can join a committee.

On this application, you may select multiple roles which interest you and for which you like to be considered a candidate.

Please reach out if you have questions or comments.